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2 min Read

Patanjali, a household name in India known for its Ayurvedic and herbal products, has found itself embroiled in a legal battle with the Supreme Court concerning allegedly misleading advertisements. This blog dives into the details of the case, exploring the accusations, the court's stance, and the potential implications for both Patanjali and the advertising landscape in India.

False claims and health concerns

The controversy centres around advertisements for certain Patanjali products, particularly Coronil, a herbal medicine. The advertisements allegedly made unsubstantiated claims about the product's efficacy in curing COVID-19. Critics argue that such claims misled consumers and potentially discouraged them from seeking proper medical treatment.

The Supreme Court's Intervention: Upholding Consumer Rights and Public Health

The Supreme Court took a strong stance against Patanjali, criticising the company for its misleading advertisements. Here are some key points from the court's actions:

  • Rejection of Apologies: The Court has repeatedly rejected multiple apologies submitted by Patanjali, expressing concerns about the deliberate nature of the misleading claims and the potential negative impact on public health.
  • Questioning Regulatory Authorities: The Court has questioned the role of regulatory bodies responsible for overseeing advertising practices. This highlights concerns about the effectiveness of existing mechanisms to prevent misleading advertisements.
  • Focus on Consumer Protection: The Court's actions emphasise the importance of consumer protection and the need for accurate and responsible advertising.

Beyond the courtroom 

The Patanjali-Supreme Court case has far-reaching implications:

  • Impact on Patanjali: The company's reputation might be tarnished, and it could face financial penalties or stricter scrutiny of future advertising campaigns.
  • Revamping Advertising Regulations: The case might prompt stricter regulations and enforcement mechanisms to prevent misleading advertisements across industries.
  • Consumer Awareness: The episode could raise public awareness regarding the importance of critically evaluating advertising claims and seeking reliable information about healthcare products.

The way forward

Ensuring responsible advertising and protecting consumer rights requires a collaborative approach:

  • Stronger Regulatory Framework: Government authorities need to strengthen regulations, establish clear guidelines for advertising health products, and enforce them effectively.
  • Industry Responsibility: Companies must prioritise ethical advertising practices, ensuring their claims are backed by scientific evidence and do not mislead consumers.
  • Consumer Vigilance: Consumers need to be critical of advertising claims, conduct their own research, and report misleading advertisements to relevant authorities.


The Patanjali-Supreme Court case serves as a stark reminder of the importance of honest and responsible advertising. It highlights the need for stricter regulations, increased industry accountability, and informed consumer behaviour. By working together, stakeholders can create a more transparent and responsible advertising environment that protects consumer rights and promotes public health.