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The night sky offers more than just beautiful constellations for stargazers. Astute traders can also find valuable insights within its twinkling expanse. The shooting star candlestick pattern, though fleeting, can be a significant indicator for traders looking to identify potential reversals in price trends.

This blog delves into the world of the shooting star pattern, equipping you with the knowledge to recognise it, understand its implications, and utilise it effectively in your options trading strategies.

The shooting star pattern

Imagine a shooting star streaking across the night sky – a brief burst of light with a long tail trailing behind. The shooting star candlestick pattern embodies this very image. Here's a breakdown of its key characteristics:

  • Small Real Body: The real body, representing the difference between the open and close price of the candle, is relatively small, often located near the lower end of the trading range for the period.
  • Long Upper Shadow: The upper shadow, signifying the difference between the high and the closing price, is significantly longer than the real body. Ideally, it should be at least twice the length of the real body.
  • Little or No Lower Shadow: The lower shadow, representing the difference between the open and the low price, is minimal or absent altogether. This indicates limited selling pressure during the trading period.

How to find the shooting star pattern?

The shooting star pattern's significance is amplified by its location on the price chart. Here are two key scenarios:

  • Appearing at a Peak: A shooting star appearing at the peak of an uptrend signifies a potential reversal. The long upper shadow suggests failed buying attempts, where the price briefly reached a new high before sellers stepped in, pushing the price back down. This could indicate a weakening uptrend and a possible price decline.
  • Following a Series of Uptrend Candles: When a shooting star emerges after a series of bullish candles, it suggests a potential exhaustion of buying pressure. The long upper shadow signifies buyers losing momentum, and the small real body indicates a struggle to maintain the uptrend.

Confirmation is key

While the shooting star is a valuable reversal indicator, it's crucial to practise confirmation before acting on the signal. Here are some confirmation techniques:

  • Price Action: Look for a bearish candlestick pattern, such as a bearish engulfing or a gravestone doji, following the shooting star for stronger confirmation.
  • Volume: Ideally, the shooting star should be accompanied by a surge in trading volume, signifying a possible shift in market sentiment from bullish to bearish.
  • Technical Indicators: Combining the shooting star pattern with other technical indicators, like moving averages or relative strength index (RSI), can provide additional confirmation for a potential reversal.

Remember, the shooting star is just one piece of the puzzle. Conduct thorough technical analysis, consider other market indicators, and manage your risk effectively before making any trading decisions.


By understanding the shooting star pattern, its potential implications, and the importance of confirmation, you can enhance your technical analysis skills. Remember, the shooting star is a tool, not a guarantee. Use it effectively within your trading strategy, manage risk wisely, and stay informed about market conditions to navigate the ever-changing trading landscape.