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In the diverse landscape of investment opportunities, preference shares (also known as preferred stock) carve out a unique niche. They offer a blend of characteristics from both debt and equity, catering to investors seeking a balance between income and capital appreciation. This comprehensive guide empowers you to understand the core principles, advantages, and considerations associated with preference shares.

What are preference shares?

Preference shares are a special type of company stock that prioritises shareholders over common stockholders when it comes to dividend payouts. Here are the key features of preference shares:

  • Dividend Priority: Holders of preference shares receive dividends before common stockholders. These dividends are typically fixed in amount and are paid out periodically, similar to interest payments on a bond.
  • No Voting Rights (Typically): Unlike common stockholders who can vote on company decisions, preference shareholders typically do not have voting rights. This prioritises income generation over participation in company governance.
  • Limited Upside Potential: Preference shares generally have limited upside potential in terms of capital appreciation compared to common stock. Their value primarily reflects the fixed dividend they offer.

Types of preference shares

Preference shares come in various forms, each with slightly different characteristics:

  • Cumulative Preference Shares: If the company misses a dividend payout, any owed dividends accumulate and must be paid in full to preference shareholders before common shareholders receive any dividends.
  • Non-Cumulative Preference Shares: Missed dividend payments on non-cumulative preference shares do not accumulate. The company has no obligation to pay missed dividends in the future.
  • Participating Preference Shares: These shares offer fixed dividend priority but also allow holders to participate in additional profits alongside common shareholders if the company performs exceptionally well.
  • Convertible Preference Shares: These shares can be converted into a predetermined number of common shares under specific conditions, offering some potential for capital appreciation.

Advantages of preference shares

Preference shares offer several benefits for investors:

  • Steady Income: The fixed dividend provides a predictable stream of income, making them attractive for income-oriented investors like retirees.
  • Lower Risk than Common Stock: The priority over common shareholders for dividends provides a layer of security compared to common stock, especially in the event of bankruptcy.
  • Diversification: Preference shares can add diversification to your investment portfolio, offering a balance between the income potential of bonds and the growth potential of stocks.

Considerations before you invest in stocks

While preference shares offer advantages, they also come with inherent considerations for your stock investment.

  • Limited Upside Potential: The fixed dividend limits potential capital appreciation compared to common stock.
  • Call Risk: Some preference shares are callable, meaning the issuer (company) has the right to repurchase the shares at a predetermined price. This can disrupt your investment plans if called early.
  • Lower Liquidity: Preference shares are generally less liquid than common stock, meaning they might be harder to buy and sell quickly.

Who should consider preference shares?

Preference shares can be suitable for various investor profiles:

  • Income-Oriented Investors: For those seeking a steady stream of income, preference shares offer a predictable and reliable source of dividends.
  • Risk-Averse Investors: The priority for dividends and potentially lower volatility compared to common stock can appeal to risk-averse investors.
  • Portfolio Diversification: Preference shares can add diversification to an investment portfolio, providing a balance between income and growth potential.


Preference shares offer a unique investment option for those seeking a blend of income and capital preservation. By understanding their core characteristics, advantages, and considerations, you can determine if preference shares align with your investment goals and risk tolerance. Remember, a well-diversified portfolio that considers your investment horizon and risk profile is crucial for long-term financial success.