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The National Stock Exchange of India (NSE) is implementing a significant change to its trading system – a 1 paisa tick size for all stocks priced below ₹250. This move, effective from June 10th, 2024, aims to improve price discovery and potentially enhance market dynamics for these lower-priced stocks. Let's delve into the details of this change and explore its potential implications for those who are inclined toward stock trading and the broader market.

What is a tick size?

The tick size represents the minimum price increment at which a stock's price can move on the exchange. Previously, the NSE used a 5 paisa tick size for many stocks. This meant the price could only move in multiples of 5 paise (₹0.05). With the new 1 paisa tick size, the minimum price movement becomes ₹0.01, allowing for more granular price adjustments.

Why did NSE change the tick size to 1 paisa?

The NSE's decision to adopt a 1 paisa tick size is driven by several factors:

  • Improved Price Discovery: With smaller price increments, the market can potentially reflect the true value of a stock more accurately. This can be particularly beneficial for lower-priced stocks where 5 paisa movements might represent a significant percentage change.
  • Enhanced Liquidity: The ability to trade at smaller price points could potentially attract more investors to these stocks, leading to increased trading volume and liquidity.
  • Alignment with Competition: The BSE (Bombay Stock Exchange) already utilises a 1 paisa tick size for stocks below ₹100. This move by the NSE brings them closer to their competitor's structure.

Potential benefits for investors

Investors, particularly those interested in lower-priced stocks, might see some advantages:

  • More Precise Order Placement: The ability to place orders at smaller price increments allows for more precise portfolio management and potentially tighter execution of trading strategies.
  • Reduced Price Impact: Smaller price movements can minimise the impact of bid-ask spreads, potentially reducing transaction costs for investors.
  • New Investment Opportunities: The improved price discovery and potentially increased liquidity could make lower-priced stocks more attractive to a wider range of investors.

Considerations and cautions

While the 1 paisa tick size offers potential benefits, it's crucial to consider some aspects:

  • Increased Order Activity: More granular price movements might lead to a rise in order activity, potentially impacting trading platform performance and order execution speeds.
  • Volatility Concerns: Smaller price increments could lead to increased short-term price fluctuations, requiring investors to have a higher risk tolerance for these stocks.
  • Focus on Fundamentals: While price discovery might improve, investors should still prioritise thorough company analysis and not solely rely on smaller tick sizes for investment decisions.

The road ahead

The NSE's adoption of a 1 paisa tick size signifies a step towards a more dynamic and efficient market for lower-priced stocks in India. Here's what to expect:

  • Monitoring Market Response: The NSE will likely monitor the impact of this change on trading activity, liquidity, and price discovery in the coming months.
  • Potential Adjustments: Based on market response, the NSE might further refine its tick size structure or implement additional measures to optimise the market for all participants.
  • Investor Education: As investors adjust to the new system, brokers and financial institutions can play a crucial role in educating them about the implications and potential benefits of the 1 paisa tick size.


The NSE's move towards a 1 paisa tick size for lower-priced stocks is a bold step with the potential to significantly impact the Indian stock market. While there are considerations, the potential for improved price discovery, increased liquidity, and a wider range of investment opportunities is undeniable. As the market adapts to this change, investors who stay informed and conduct thorough research can potentially benefit from this evolving landscape.