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2 min Read

In an exciting development for Bengaluru's transportation scene, Namma Yatri, previously known for its auto-rickshaw aggregation, has ventured into the cab service market. This pilot phase, which started this week, marks a significant expansion for the company. With its formal launch anticipated early next week, possibly Tuesday, the city's commuters are keenly watching what this could mean for their daily travel options.

What is the zero-commission model?

Namma Yatri’s introduction of a zero-commission model has already set it apart in the auto-rickshaw segment. Now, they're applying this model to their cab services, which could disrupt the traditional ride-hailing market dynamics dominated by larger players. By eliminating the commission, Namma Yatri not only promises more earnings for drivers but also potentially lower fares for riders, making it a win-win. For instance, the current pricing for Namma Yatri’s cabs is reportedly Rs 10 to Rs 13 cheaper than those offered by other popular ride-hailing apps.

How was Namma Yatri’s rollout so far?

The beta launch of Namma Yatri a few days ago introduced the direct taxi-hailing feature on the application’s homepage, and it's slowly gaining popularity among the city’s residents. This cautious rollout allows Namma Yatri to test system stability and assess demand without overwhelming their service or disappointing users with potential initial hiccups. According to sources, the response from the community has been positive, with many embracing the additional transportation option.

Types of services offered by Namma Yatri

Namma Yatri's forward-thinking doesn't stop at pricing. They're catering to a range of needs by offering three different types of taxi services:

- Eco: These are basic non-AC hatchbacks, perfect for budget-conscious travellers.

- Comfy: AC sedan cars for those seeking a bit more comfort.

- AC SUV: A choice for groups or those desiring a more spacious ride.

This segmentation ensures that there's something for everyone, depending on their needs and budget.

Community response

Interestingly, there seems to be no significant resistance from the auto-rickshaw community, a common concern when new services are introduced that might compete for the same customer base. Preliminary feedback suggests that the auto-rickshaw drivers are open to the idea of co-existing with cab drivers, which if true, could be a testament to the inclusive business approach of Namma Yatri.

What lies ahead for Namma Yatri

As Namma Yatri gears up for its formal launch next week, all eyes will be on how it impacts the broader dynamics of urban mobility in Bengaluru. Will it prompt other players to reevaluate their pricing and commission structures? How will the existing giants respond to this new competition? Only time will tell, but one thing is clear: Namma Yatri is setting the stage for a potential shake-up in the ride-hailing industry, with both drivers and commuters standing to benefit.

For those of us commuting in Bengaluru, these developments could mean more choices and potentially lower costs—crucial factors in our daily urban lives.