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2 min Read

British American Tobacco's (BAT) decision to sell 3.5% of its stake in ITC Limited has sent ripples through the Indian stock market. This blog dives into the details of the ITC block deal, explores the potential reasons behind it, and examines the implications for both BAT and ITC.

ITC sale: details

  • Stake on Sale: BAT will be offloading 3.5% of its existing shareholding in ITC, translating to approximately 436.9 million shares.
  • Sale Method: The sale will be conducted through an accelerated bookbuild process, a mechanism where institutional investors submit bids for the shares within a specified timeframe.
  • Price Range: BAT has reportedly set a price band of ₹384 to ₹400.25 per share for the block deal.
  • Expected Completion: The block deal is expected to be finalised by March 18th, 2024, subject to customary closing conditions.

Why did BAT sell their stake in ITC?

While BAT hasn't officially disclosed the specific reasons behind the sale, here are some possible explanations:

  • Portfolio Rebalancing: BAT might be looking to rebalance its investment portfolio, potentially seeking to diversify its holdings or free up capital for other investments.
  • Focus on Core Business: Selling a portion of its ITC stake could allow BAT to focus more resources on its core cigarette business or explore new opportunities within the tobacco industry.
  • Cash Flow Optimization: The proceeds from the sale could be used to improve BAT's cash flow position, potentially reducing debt or funding future growth initiatives.
  • Tax Considerations: There could be tax advantages associated with divesting a portion of its ITC stake, depending on the applicable regulations in India and the UK.

Implications for BAT and ITC

For BAT:

  • Reduced Stake and Influence: The sale will decrease BAT's ownership in ITC to 25.5%, potentially reducing its influence over ITC's strategic decision-making.
  • Improved Liquidity: Selling a portion of its stake could increase the overall liquidity of ITC shares in the market, potentially attracting new investors.

For ITC:

  • Increased Public Float: With a larger portion of shares held by public investors, ITC might experience greater scrutiny and pressure for short-term performance.
  • Potential for Stock Price Volatility: The sale could lead to short-term volatility in ITC's stock price, depending on investor sentiment and market conditions.
  • Strategic Autonomy: A reduced stake by BAT could offer ITC greater strategic autonomy in terms of future business decisions and diversification plans.

Market reactions and investor considerations

The announcement of the sale has generated mixed reactions in the market. While some investors see it as an opportunity to acquire ITC shares at a potentially discounted price, others might be concerned about the reasons behind BAT's decision and its long-term impact on ITC's future.

Investors considering participating in the block deal or buying ITC shares in the aftermath should:

  • Research BAT's Rationale: While the specific reasons for the sale remain undisclosed, understanding BAT's potential motivations can provide valuable insights.
  • Analyse ITC's Fundamentals: Focus on ITC's long-term business prospects, financial health, and growth strategies before making any investment decisions.
  • Monitor Market Volatility: Be prepared for potential short-term price fluctuations in ITC's stock price following the sale.


BAT's decision to sell a portion of its ITC stake marks a significant development for both companies. While the long-term implications remain to be seen, this transaction has the potential to alter the ownership structure of ITC, impact its stock price, and influence its future strategic direction. Investors are advised to carefully consider the potential risks and rewards before making any investment decisions related to ITC or BAT.