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4 min Read

In stock trading, having the right tools and strategies is essential for success. One such tool that has gained popularity is the Good Till Triggered (GTT) order. Understanding what is GTT in the share market and how to use it effectively can be a game-changer for new investors. 

In this article, we will provide a comprehensive guide to GTT orders, explain how they work on a stock trading platform, and offer practical steps for integrating them into your investing in stocks strategy.

What is GTT in the share market?

GTT, which stands for Good Till Triggered, is a type of order in stock trading that stays active until a predefined trigger condition is fulfilled. Unlike regular orders that may expire at the end of the trading day if not executed, GTT orders stay open until the price of the stock reaches the trigger level set by the investor. This feature makes GTT in the share market a valuable tool for those who want to automate their trading decisions and avoid constantly monitoring the market.

How GTT orders work

To understand what is GTT in the share market, it’s important to grasp the mechanics of how these orders function. When placing a GTT order, you set a trigger price and an order price. The trigger price is the level at which the order is activated, and the order price is the price at which you want to buy or sell the stock. Once the trigger price is hit, the order is placed on the stock trading platform, and the transaction is executed at the order price.

Key components of a GTT order

Trigger priceThe price level at which the GTT order is activated.
Order priceThe price at which the stock is bought or sold once the trigger price is reached.
ValidityThe GTT order remains active until the trigger price is hit or the investor cancels it.
ExecutionThe order is executed when the stock reaches the order price after being triggered.

Why use GTT orders?

GTT orders offer several advantages, especially for new investors who may not have the time to monitor the market constantly. Here’s why incorporating GTT orders into your stock trading platform can be beneficial:

  1. Automation: GTT orders automate the trading process, allowing you to set your desired entry or exit points without needing to watch the market continuously. This can be particularly useful for those investing in stocks on a part-time basis.
  2. Risk management: Placing a GTT order with a stop-loss trigger helps you minimise potential losses. If the stock price falls to a predetermined level, the order is triggered, and the stock is sold, helping you manage risk effectively.
  3. Opportunity maximisation: GTT orders enable you to capitalise on market opportunities even when you are not actively trading. For instance, if you expect a stock to drop to a certain level before buying, you can set a GTT order and let the market do the rest.

Steps to place a GTT order on a stock trading platform

Placing a GTT order is simple, but it’s important to follow steps to ensure the order is set up correctly. Here’s a step-by-step guide to placing a GTT order on your stock trading platform:

  1. Log in to your trading account: Start by logging in to your stock trading platform. Make sure you have sufficient funds in your account to place the order.
  2. Select the stock: Choose the stock you want to trade by selecting it from the available options. Go to the order entry screen where you can place your trade.
  3. Set the trigger price: Enter the trigger price, which is the price level at which you want the order to be activated. This is the key component of GTT in the share market orders.
  4. Enter the order price: After setting the trigger price, enter the order price. This is the price at which you are willing to buy or sell the stock once the trigger is hit.
  5. Review and confirm: Double-check all the details of your GTT order, including the stock, trigger price, and order price. Once everything is in place, confirm the order.
  6. Monitor your order: Although GTT orders are automated, it’s still important to monitor their status on your stock trading platform. You can modify or cancel the order at any time before it is triggered.

Best practices for using GTT orders

To maximise the effectiveness of GTT orders, consider these best practices:

  1. Set realistic trigger prices: It’s important to set trigger prices that reflect realistic market conditions. If the trigger is set too far from the current price, there's a risk that the order may never be executed.
  2. Use GTT orders for stop-losses: Protect your investments by using GTT orders as stop-losses. This ensures that your stocks are sold if the market moves against your position, minimising potential losses.
  3. Combine GTT with technical analysis: Use technical analysis tools to identify key support and resistance levels. Setting your GTT orders near these levels can increase the likelihood of successful trades.
  4. Stay informed: Even though GTT orders automate much of the trading process, staying informed about market trends and news is crucial. Adjust your orders as needed based on new information.

Challenges of GTT orders

While GTT orders are highly effective, they do come with certain challenges:

  1. Market gaps: If the market opens significantly higher or lower than the previous close, your GTT order may be executed at a price far from the trigger level, especially in volatile markets. This can result in unexpected outcomes.
  2. Missed opportunities: If your trigger price is set too conservatively, you may miss out on potential gains if the stock reverses direction after briefly touching the trigger level.
  3. Not suitable for all stocks: GTT orders may not be ideal for highly illiquid stocks, where large price swings can trigger the order without a substantial change in market conditions.

Enhancing your stock trading strategy with GTT orders

Utilising GTT in the share market orders can greatly enhance your stock trading strategy. By automating key aspects of trading, GTT orders allow you to focus on other important areas of your investment plan while ensuring you don’t miss out on opportunities. Integrating GTT orders into your strategy on a reliable stock trading platform can help you achieve your financial goals with greater efficiency and confidence.