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Ventura Wealth Clients
2 min Read

The world of online trading is filled with a variety of strategies, some conventional and others bordering on unconventional. Colour trading, also known as colour prediction trading, falls into the latter category. This blog dives into the concept of colour trading, exploring its mechanics, potential risks, and its place within the legitimate trading landscape.

What is colour trading?

Colour trading presents itself as a seemingly easy way to make money in the financial markets. Here's the basic premise:

  • Platforms and Apps: Colour trading apps or platforms display charts with different coloured bars or lines representing price movements.
  • Colour Coding: These colours supposedly predict future price movements. For example, green might indicate an upward trend, while red might signal a downward trend.
  • Trading Based on Colour: Traders are encouraged to buy when they see a "bullish" colour and sell when they see a "bearish" colour.

Is colour trading really simple?

Colour trading might appear appealing to new investors due to its:

  • Supposed Simplicity: The colour-coded charts seem easy to understand, potentially attracting those unfamiliar with complex technical analysis.
  • Promises of Quick Gains: Some platforms or apps might make exaggerated claims of high profits with minimal effort.

Colour trading’s red flags

However, colour trading raises several red flags that investors should be aware of:

  • Lack of Credibility: There's no fundamental basis for colour coding to predict market movements. Financial markets are complex and influenced by various factors, not just colours on a chart for stocks or options trading.
  • Potential for Manipulation: Platforms promoting colour trading might manipulate the colours or price movements to influence user trades and potentially profit from them.
  • High Risk of Loss: Trading based on colour predictions is essentially gambling. Investors risk losing their entire investment if the colour "predictions" turn out to be wrong.

Alternatives to colour trading

Instead of colour trading, consider these legitimate strategies for entering the financial markets:

  • Fundamental Analysis: Researching the underlying fundamentals of companies and the overall economy can provide a sound basis for investment decisions.
  • Technical Analysis: Learning about technical indicators and chart patterns can help you identify potential entry and exit points for trades.
  • Risk Management: Developing a sound risk management strategy, including stop-loss orders and position sizing, is crucial to protect your capital.


Colour trading presents a deceptive allure of easy money in the financial markets. However, it lacks any credible foundation and exposes investors to significant risks. If you're serious about trading, focus on developing sound investment knowledge and strategies based on fundamental and technical analysis, coupled with effective risk management.

Remember: Always do your research before investing in any financial product or platform. Consider consulting a qualified financial advisor before making any investment decisions.