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Ventura Wealth Clients
4 min Read

In the ever-fluctuating world of finance, investors constantly seek strategies to optimise their returns and manage risk. While traditional methods often focus on riding the market wave and investing in hot stocks, some investors adopt a more unconventional approach: contra-investing. This strategy involves betting against the market sentiment and investing in companies or sectors experiencing temporary setbacks. 

Mutual funds that dwell in this strategy are known as contra funds. If you invest in mutual funds, this blog will help you explore the fundamentals of contra funds, their characteristics, potential benefits and risks, and how they can fit into a well-rounded investment portfolio.

What are contra funds?

Contra funds, also known as contrarian funds, are mutual funds that actively invest in out-of-favour stocks or sectors that are currently experiencing a decline in price. These funds operate on the belief that the market's negative sentiment towards these companies might be temporary and an overreaction, presenting an opportunity for long-term value creation.

Characteristics of contra funds

  • Active Management: Unlike passively managed index funds, contra funds are actively managed by fund managers who employ fundamental and technical analysis to identify undervalued securities with strong potential for recovery.
  • Investment Horizon: Contra funds are typically suitable for investors with a long-term investment horizon, as the recovery of undervalued assets might take time.
  • Higher Risk: Investing in out-of-favour companies carries inherently higher risk compared to investing in established, well-performing companies. Market sentiment may not reverse as anticipated, leading to potential losses.
  • Volatility: Contra funds are generally considered more volatile than traditional growth or income funds due to their focus on companies experiencing price fluctuations.

Benefits of contra funds

While contra investing might seem counterintuitive, it offers several potential benefits for investors with the right risk tolerance and investment goals:

  • Potential for Higher Returns: Identifying and investing in undervalued companies with strong fundamentals can lead to significant capital appreciation when market sentiment improves, and the company's true value is recognized.
  • Portfolio Diversification: Contra funds can help diversify your portfolio by adding assets that are not highly correlated with the overall market, potentially mitigating risk and offering a hedge against market downturns.
  • Long-Term Focus: Investing with a contrarian approach encourages a long-term investment perspective, focusing on the company's potential rather than short-term market fluctuations.

Risks of investing in contra funds

Despite the potential benefits, contra-investing also comes with crucial considerations and potential risks:

  • Market Misjudgment: Identifying truly undervalued companies and predicting market sentiment shifts is inherently challenging. The market might not necessarily correct, and the chosen companies might not recover as anticipated, leading to significant losses.
  • Psychological Strain: Investing against the market sentiment can be psychologically demanding, especially during prolonged periods of negative performance. Investors need to be prepared for volatility and maintain a long-term perspective.
  • Active Management Fees: Contra funds are actively managed, meaning investors incur higher fees than passively managed index funds.

Should you invest in contra funds?

Contra funds are not suitable for every investor. Before considering contra funds, it's crucial to:

  • Assess your risk tolerance: Contra funds are inherently riskier than traditional investments. Only invest if you are comfortable with potential volatility and the possibility of short-term losses.
  • Define your investment goals: Contra funds are well-suited for long-term investment horizons, typically exceeding 5 years. Ensure your investment goals align with this long-term perspective.
  • Conduct thorough research: Don't solely rely on the fund manager's expertise. Research the fund's investment strategy, historical performance, and fees to understand its suitability for your portfolio.

Beyond the basics of contra funds

  • Invest Strategically: Don't simply chase all out-of-favour stocks. Employ a disciplined approach by analysing the underlying fundamentals of companies and identifying those with strong recovery potential.
  • Start Small: If you're new to contra investing, start with a smaller allocation in your portfolio and gradually increase it as you gain experience and confidence.
  • Maintain Diversification: While contra funds can offer potential benefits, remember to maintain a well-diversified portfolio across different asset classes to mitigate risk.


Contra funds offer a unique investment approach for investors willing to embrace the contrarian mindset and navigate market volatility. While not without risks, these funds can potentially generate significant long-term returns by capitalising on opportunities arising from temporary market sentiment swings.

Remember, thorough research, a long-term perspective, and a disciplined investment strategy are crucial for success in contra investing. Consulting with a qualified financial advisor can help you determine if contra funds align with your individual risk tolerance and investment goals.

Beyond contra funds: exploring mutual fund investment strategies

While contra funds offer a structured approach to contrarian investing, alternative avenues exist for investors seeking to navigate against the market:

  • Value Investing: This strategy involves identifying and investing in stocks that are currently trading below their intrinsic value, similar to the underlying principle of contra funds. However, value investors typically focus on established companies experiencing temporary setbacks, while contra funds might venture into riskier, less established companies.
  • Market Timing: This strategy involves actively entering and exiting the market based on anticipated trends. However, accurately predicting market movements can be extremely difficult, and this approach is generally not recommended for most investors due to its inherent complexity and high risk.

Final thoughts

The world of finance presents diverse investment avenues, each with its own set of risks and rewards. Contra funds offer a unique approach for investors seeking to capitalise on potential mispricings in the market, potentially leading to significant long-term returns. However, thorough research, risk awareness, and a long-term investment approach are crucial for success in this contrarian path.

By understanding the fundamentals of contra funds, their potential benefits and risks, and alternative contrarian strategies, you can make informed investment decisions and potentially navigate the ever-changing financial landscape with greater confidence.