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2 min Read

As you inch closer to the end of the current financial year, you are bound to face one tedious task. Filing your income tax returns. The thought of it is chaotic in itself. But don’t worry. This year, the ITR season will not leave you exhausted and confused in your mess. In this blog, we will simplify the tax filing process, step-by-step.

Gather your groove

First things first, grab your tax essentials. Here are those documents.

  • PAN card
  • Salary slips
  • Receipts for deductions

Your deduction receipts include your medical bills, food and travel, rental receipts, and the investments you wish to save taxes against.

Pick your portal

There are two ways you can file your income tax.

  • E-filing portal: Visit the online portal https://www.incometaxindia.gov.in.
  • Offline mode: This one's for the old-school shufflers. Download the form, fill it out by hand, and visit your tax office.

Choose your rhythm

Not all tax heroes wear the same cape. Pick the right ITR form based on your income groove.

  • ITR 1: For salaried folks with income under Rs. 5 lakh.
  • ITR 2: For salaried people earning over Rs. 5 lakh or with extra income streams.
  • ITR 3: For business owners and professionals.
  • ITR 4: For those with rental property income.

Fill in the blanks

Each form has sections that you must fill. Let us have a closer look at those sections.

  • Personal details: Name, address, PAN, it's all about you.
  • Income: This will include your salary, interest, and other income sources.
  • Deductions: Claim those sweet deductions for things like medical bills, education, and home loans.
  • Tax calculation: The portal does the fancy maths for you. Make sure you check the numbers.
  • Review and submit: Double-check everything before hitting that submit button. You wouldn't want to trip on the finish line, right?

Verification: the grand finale

Verify your return through Aadhaar, net banking, or your Demat account. If old-school is your jam, you can also send a signed form to your tax office.

Bonus tips for tax tango triumph

  • Start early: Don't wait till the last minute. Start considerably before the deadline; the portal will save your progress.
  • Seek help: If you get stuck, there are tax advisors and online resources to guide you.
  • Keep records: Hold onto those receipts all year long. It makes things much easier.
  • Stay updated: Tax rules change, so keep your knowledge fresh to avoid surprises.

Remember, filing your ITR is a must, but it can be fun too! With this guide and a bit of practice, you'll be gliding through your tax tango in no time. So put on your tax-time tunes, grab your documents, and conquer this ITR thing with confidence! You've got this, tax warrior!

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