The current pandemic situation has definitely upset even the most well-crafted financial plans. With income flows receiving a tremendous jolt, the need for contingency funds has gained significance. Liquid funds have always been considered an excellent option to park contingency funds as they provide requisite safety and liquidity to investments. In fact, at one point of time, liquid funds were giving returns that were even bet coulter than those of Fixed Deposits of banks. So, a huge chunk of investors started investing in this fund category.
But things have changed and the returns from liquid funds have fallen significantly. Investors who are currently parking their surpluses in liquid funds have been affected by the fall in returns. Many of them have begun to wonder if staying invested in liquid funds still a good option.
The table below gives us an overview of how liquid funds have been performing over the last six months.
The above table clearly shows that the performance of liquid funds has been diminishing since the pandemic started. The category average, which was around 6% p.a., has slipped dramatically to merely 3% p.a. These returns are equivalent to savings bank returns.
Now let us see what really caused the fall in the liquid fund returns.
The above table clearly reveals that there has been a huge inflow of funds in this category since the month of March. But in the last two months, there has been a drop in the AUM as many investors may now be considering different options, due to a drop in the returns.
As the dynamics of investments change, investors need to be pro-active with respect to where they park their funds. It is important to have a contingency fund which covers at least 3-6 months of expenses and these emergency funds need to be parked as per the investor’s requirement.
Investors who have invested in liquid funds should regularly review the status of their contingency funds. They should ensure that any extra amounts are shifted other debt funds, in case there is no immediate requirement.
To help decide what kind of funds they should shift to, investors should be clear about their investment time horizon. Below are some categories of funds which the investor can consider as per the duration of the investment.
The table below gives the Average YTM of the above-mentioned debt categories as well as the maximum and minimum modified duration of that category. We have considered only those funds whose AUM are Rs.1000 crores and above.
The above table clearly shows how one can earn extra returns just by going a category notch above liquid funds. We have observed that there are many investors who have cash lying in liquid funds for over 3 months at a time. Ideally, they should manage their investments more efficiently, by deciding for how long they should stay invested in a particular type of fund.
There’s an age old saying, ‘A little effort goes a long way…’ and that’s completely true with respect to managing money. Taking the effort to review and revise your portfolio, wherever necessary, could literally convert time into money!
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